Thursday, August 27, 2020

Confident/ Lion Heart and Stone Cold by Demi Lovato free essay sample

I was tuning in to Demi Lovato’s Saturday night live execution and heard this splendid, ethereal tune siphoning through my laptop’s speakers. The melody I heard â€Å"Stone Cold† and â€Å"Lionheart† both speak to the advancement of her character. The two tunes show Lovato’s quality alongside the various parts in her life.In â€Å"Stone Cold† Lovato depicts her sentiments after her ex proceeded onward, alongside Lionheart, where Lovato epitomizes her sympathy for Mr. Valenderama, her new love intrigue. The two tunes tie into the idea of Lovato proceeding onward and making new stages throughout her life. I am the primary individual to shake out to Demi Lovatos Cool for the late spring or Confident, however I have seen her new music is by all accounts ailing in the great force ditties we have generally expected from Lovato. There is an explanation shes known for these kinds of melodies, between a joint effort of her motivational life and solid vocals, Lovato can give you goose pimples! Anyway with her exhibition of Stone Cold and â€Å"Lionheart,† she affirms she isn't finished giving us power melodies yet. We will compose a custom article test on Certain/Lion Heart and Stone Cold by Demi Lovato or on the other hand any comparable subject explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page Undeniable is a wide range of stunning. The verses include an additional layer of force to the track as Lovato sings, Stone cool, undeniable/You see me standing, however Im kicking the bucket on the floor/Stone chilly, undeniable/Maybe on the off chance that I dont cry, I dont feel any longer. The melody seems to depict Lovatos emotions after her ex proceeded onward. At the point when she rethinks â€Å"Stone Cold,† she infers that her feelings are a divider that wont be entered like an a marble surface. In any case, she makes things a stride further, sharing the shock that accompanies seeing your cherished one with another person: Youre hitting the dance floor with her, yet Im gazing at my telephone/Stone chilly, undeniable/I was your golden, yet now shes your shade of gold. This verse recommends that Lovato was the golden to her ex, yet now her ex’s new accomplice is something more ‘pure’ and ‘valuable’ as gold.Although she appears as she has proceeded onward she truly is both kicking the bucket utilizing her however outside as a veil and being ‘Stone Cold’. Undeniable takes audience members on a passionate excursion as Lovato sings the words, and holding notes in a way that is shocking, in any event, for her. One of Lovatos qualities is her capacity to take advantage of the feelings of her fans, and this tune is a great case of how she does as such. She doesnt depend on creation esteem, rather letting her genuineness and ability start to lead the pack. Truly, my arms get goose pimples. I am such a fanatic of Confident and Cool for the mid year, yet this may be my preferred track off her fifth collection. In â€Å"Lionheart† Lovato oftentimes talks about what a mind boggling wellspring of help Wilmer Valderrama has been to her, whom Lovato is singing about, that individual is consistently with her, invigorating her. In view of the Instagram subtitles we have seen from her, all signs point to Wilmer Valderrama. As Lovato and Valderramas relationship has not been without contention it started when Lovato was only seventeen, and Valderrama was thirty with a background marked by dating other more youthful young ladies, similar to Lindsay Lohan. Be that as it may, presently, it has been five years, and these two are still attached. I am especially inspired by the line, we stand together confronting a war, which, in my psyche, could be Lovatos war against enslavement, them two battling terrible press for their relationship, or only popularity when all is said in done, which has just demonstrated its capability to be so harming to both of them. In any case, everything fits they dont n eed others to comprehend, in light of the fact that they have one another. These lines truly help me to remember things Lovato has said about missing Valderrama when she is away from him, significantly after such a long time. He is the light that calls her home, in any event, when they are separated. â€Å"Stone Cold† exhibits Lovato’s past while â€Å"Lionheart† shows the new section she has made; In â€Å"Stone Cold† the lines â€Å"God realizes I attempted to feel/Happy for you/Know that I am, regardless of whether I cannot see, Ill take the agony/Give me the truth† presents Lovato’s affections for her ex when he’s proceeded onward, and his fondness for the other lady get more grounded. In â€Å"Lionheart,† the verses â€Å"And we walk together into the light/and my adoration will be your defensive layer this evening/we are lionhearts/And we stand together confronting a war/And our affection will overcome everything/We are lion hearts,† delineates the picture of Lovato’s protective layer confronting the world. Her adoration for her new accomplice is powerful simply like her quality. Lovato proceeded onward and made another part in her life by making another relationship. The two tunes speak to her excursion. Something that Lovato addresses in her melodies †Stone Cold† and â€Å"Lion Heart† is the way she conditions herself to become more grounded. As a general public we can decipher this idea by remaining solid. To remain solid all through intense occasions and keep our lion hearts pulsating. Whatever life tosses at you, regardless of whether it harms you, simply be solid and battle it through it. â€Å"Strong dividers shake however never collapse.†

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Managing Product and Service Innovation for Kodak

Presentation Innovation is an item, thought or practice that is viewed as new by people or units for reception (Rodgers, 1983). It is the creation of increasingly powerful or better thoughts, administrations, procedures, items or advancements which are promptly acknowledged by the objective market, the general public and governments. As to development, the objective market is the most important.Advertising We will compose a custom report test on Managing Product and Service Innovation for Kodak explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More Innovations go about as the impetuses for development in the undeniably serious business field. Regardless of the field an organization works, firms should constantly change structures of the economy from inside by being imaginative in items, administrations and procedures. Organizations should likewise look for improved ways and techniques to charm their client base with improved and better quality, value, administration and solidness. Th ese are the results of development which may be acknowledged through the joining of hierarchical procedures and trend setting innovations. Advancements won't just increase the value of the clients, yet in addition make business financially attainable (Tushman Anderson, 2004). This paper investigates advancement with respect to Kodak Eastman which utilized developments to turn into the pioneer in the film and photography industry. Kodak Eastman Company Background Kodak Eastman was established by George Eastman. The primary camera to shoppers was given to a client in 1888 with the motto ‘You press the catch, we do the rest’. The confounded and bulky procedure of having pictures for reference was altogether made simple. The development was effectively open to the majority of the customers. From that point forward, the organization has consistently driven the shooting and photography showcase with inexhaustible new procedures and items that make photography progressively va luable, less complex and pleasant. Contemporary, the organization isn't just known for shooting and photography, yet in addition for an assortment of pictures utilized in logical, diversion, recreation and business applications. The organization was intended to include innovation to join data and pictures. This made and keeps on making the possibility to intelligent change on how organizations and individuals impart (Kodak, n.d.).Advertising Looking for report on business financial aspects? How about we check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Having led escalated examination into recording, Eastman and associates presented the principal sunlight camera. The client of the camera would reload the camera without the need to be in a darkroom. At first, little organizations that were obtaining Kodak’s thought confronted serious rivalry from Kodak. The originator put vigorously in RD which brought about development of items that had a main edg e in the market. The items upset the photography and shooting markets as they were exceptionally inventive. Staying up with the company’s imaginative items was trying for new contestants. Keeping up initiative in development is trying for most mechanical organizations. Kodak is a trend-setter in the camera, advanced and film markets. The company’s engineer, Steven Sasson, designed the main advanced camera in 1975. For a long time, it was one of the key players in the visual and filmmaking fields. The organization had nearly been kicked out of the market by the late 1990s. In 2000, Eastman Kodak promised to be the pioneer in computerized cameras. As per numerous people, this was a preposterous thought. Continuously 2005, the organization was positioned first in advanced camera deals in the United States. The deals from computerized cameras had flooded by 40 percent to $5.7 billion. The way to increment in benefits from advanced cameras was item development. The organiza tion was a pioneer on the advancement stage. It planned different honor winning items in a steady progression. This made advanced shooting nearly as straightforward as clicking and pointing (Hamm Symonds, 2006). As of late, Eastman Kodak has reported that it had plans to stop the flexibly of pocket camcorders and advanced cameras regardless of being imaginative. The organization will concentrate its business on photograph printing. The organization will permit the brand to organizations that make the gadgets once it leaves the camera business. The organization had disturbed the camera advertise by presenting the computerized camera. Notwithstanding, it couldn't figure out how to manage the new item. While different organizations solely centered around innovation, Kodak experienced innovation (Rangen, 2012). Kodak Tour Framework The structure for surveying Kodak’s advancement will join item, process, item advancement contract, item portfolio, open development, radical developm ent and the use of troublesome innovation.Advertising We will compose a custom report test on Managing Product and Service Innovation for Kodak explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More The visit system utilized by Kodak is consistently costly regarding the measure of cash put resources into innovative work. Commonly, radical advancements are all the more expensive to seek after (Shionoya Perlman, 1994). Sasson’s advancement of the computerized camera had at first met condition obstruction since the innovation required noteworthy measure of venture. The advancement was radical since it was to change the photography business. The organization was serious as far as budgetary soundness yet the innovation took enormous measures of cash and time to create. The test for the organization was that the specialist was seeking after an item that couldn't be clarified. This was an outline of ‘subjectivity of knowledge’ as distinguished by Shionoya and Perlman (1 994). Despite the fact that a few individuals from the organization the executives consented to Sasson’s thought, some were hesitant making pressure between the organization and the innovative work division. Luckily, the advancement emerged and made colossal benefits for the organization. In another occasion in Kodak’s visit system, Chester Carlsson began his own organization. Xerox, after Kodak turned down his plan to build up a copier. The administration demanded that the copier would not procure a lot of income (Shipnoya and Perlman, 1994). This subjectivity of information was weighed against respectful in anticipated net estimation of the planned development. As of now, Xerox is one of the main organizations in the copier business. This outlines people with development potential are probably going to begin their own organizations when they are looked by subjectivity of information. Item Process The new item process has been viably utilized by Kodak in the past to g uarantee that it quickens an opportunity to advertise new items as a vital move. At the point when it presented the main advanced camera, the organization moved with speed to advertise the new item. This turned the company’s gainfulness that other photography organizations discovered hard to copy or contend with. The advancement procedure and the bundling configuration executed by the organization offered the organization a serious edge over the contenders. The presentation of the advanced camera was joined result determinations, marking and showcasing advancements. The organization guaranteed that it kept up existing clients and showcased to imminent clients in regards to the new item. This quickened income acknowledgment. The expense of advancement of the computerized was moderately low contrasted with other photography organizations. This was encouraged by the company’s capacity to lessen bundle advancement costs.Advertising Searching for report on business financial matters? How about we check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Find out More Item Innovation Charter Kodak’s item advancement contract includes improvement of new items that are intended to make new markets for the organization. The organization at first guaranteed that it had items that were under five years of age. In this manner, the clients approached the latest innovation. This came about into tremendous benefit for the organization. The endurance of the organization relied upon speculations into advancements. The majority of items produced by this organization made it fruitful. The development of the advanced camera was radical. Radical developments are vital to any association (Huerta, 2010). One of the new items created by Kodak in seeking after item advancement sanction is the Kodak EasyShare-One Camera. This item was an expansion to the current product offerings. Sasson’s creation was not a coincidental disclosure as the architect knew there was potential in the computerized camera. Since the advancement of the computerized camera, the organization remained submitted and centered to development as one of the drawn out vital objectives. Item Portfolio Kodak’s item portfolio incorporates a scope of items that are tempting to its clients. To exhibit its pledge to item portfolio in the photography advertise, the organization presented improvements in its honor winning proficient and purchaser film item portfolio. The upgrades were uncovered in 2006 at the Orlando’s Photo Marketing Association Show. The organization changed the customary item consumers’ experience by improving the one-time-use camera to PORTRA 800 shading negative film (Dingus, 2006). Open Innovation Open advancement was another business procedure executed by Kodak since 2002 when film cameras were beat by computerized cameras. The item improvement by the organization adopted an alternate strategy. Because of the decrease in customary film creation, Kodak received an open advancement approach in building up its items. This was req uired by Kodak’s differing contenders. Despite the fact that the computerized camera created by Kodak had significant turnover acknowledgment, it became pounding income disappointment. In 2006, Perez named advanced cameras a

Friday, August 21, 2020

Why rTMS Might Be Worth Considering If You Have OCD

Why rTMS Might Be Worth Considering If You Have OCD OCD Treatment Print Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation By Owen Kelly, PhD Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Steven Gans, MD on August 05, 2016 Steven Gans, MD is board-certified in psychiatry and is an active supervisor, teacher, and mentor at Massachusetts General Hospital. Learn about our Medical Review Board Steven Gans, MD Updated on August 08, 2019 BSIP/UIG / Getty Images More in OCD Treatment Causes Symptoms and Diagnosis Types Living With OCD Related Conditions Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation  (also known as rTMS or Repetitive TMS) is a relatively non-invasive procedure that involves placing a small magnetic device directly on the skull. This sealed device contains a coil of wire that carries electricity and produces a magnetic field similar in strength to a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan. The flow of electricity that pulses through the device to targeted areas causes cells in the brain called neurons to become either more or less active. How rTMS Works The activity level of neurons has been linked to symptoms of mental illness, like obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), which helps explain the theory behind rTMS.  Specific brain regions can be stimulated repeatedly to cause long-lasting changes in the activity of the neurons. It is thought that these changes may lead to a decrease in symptoms, though the treatment is new enough that studies are still being done. The side of the brain and brain area targeted often depends on the illness being treated. History of the Treatment rTMS was initially introduced in 1985 as a less damaging form of the older and much more invasive electroconvulsive therapy (ECT). In 2008, the FDA approved it for use in the United States with depression that has not been treatable with at least one medication. It has also been approved in New Zealand, Australia, Canada, Israel, and the European Union for use with depression that does not respond to other treatment. The effectiveness of rTMS for other disorders, such as schizophrenia, stroke, brain injury, anxiety, migraine, and pain is still being researched. Safety and Side Effects rTMS is generally considered safe when used in accordance with established guidelines, although some patients report experiencing headaches, scalp discomfort, light-headedness or muscle tightness or tingling. An epileptic seizure is more serious, although rare, side effect of TMS and usually only occurs if the patient has a history of seizures.  rTMS cannot be used in patients who have a pacemaker or certain metal implants or devices. What You Can Expect Repetitive TMS treatments can be given once a day or many times a day for days or weeks at a time, depending on the treatment protocol. Typically, sessions last anywhere from 20-60 minutes and are given five days a week for about six weeks. No anesthesia is used, meaning that you are awake, but it is painless, though you may feel a light tapping or knock in the head. You may choose to wear earplugs since the treatment tends to be noisy. The treatments long-term effects seem to last for at least six months, though a maintenance therapy, such as a medication or psychotherapy, may be needed as well. Further treatments may be necessary later if symptoms return. Your doctor will continue to monitor you after completing treatment. Because its effectiveness is variable and not well-established, rTMS is not used as a primary treatment. However, because it is so non-invasive and has few side effects, it can be a good option for people in search of alternative ways to combat mental illness or pain, particularly if other treatments have failed. Talk to your physician about whether or not rTMS might be right for you.

Monday, May 25, 2020

Wuthering Heights Character Profile - 1602 Words

Mykael K. Garrison Mrs.Daigle Pre-AP English 1 03 October 2017 Independent Novel Project: Wuthering Heights: Emily Brontà « In the winter of 1801, our main character or the protagonist of this story, Lockwood, shows up at Wuthering Heights to make arrangements with Heathcliff who is another dominant character in this story, to rent the nearby manor. Heathcliff, the landlord, makes no effort to be pleasant and immediately becomes a source of deep curiosity to Lockwood. A snowstorm forces Lockwood to spend the night at Wuthering Heights, and he has crazy nightmares complete with a wailing ghost named Catherine Linton trying to come through the window. So, now that Lockwood is settled into his new house, he invites the housekeeper, Ellen†¦show more content†¦This landscape is comprised primarily of moors: wide, wild expanses, high but somewhat soggy, and thus infertile. Moorland cannot be cultivated, and its uniformity makes navigation difficult. It features particularly waterlogged patches in which people could potentially drown. (This possibility is mentioned several times in Wuthering Heights.) Thus, the moors serve very well as symbols of the wild threat posed by nature. As the setting for the beginnings of Catherine and Heathcliff’s bond (the two play on the moors during childhood), the moorland transfers its symbolic associations onto the love affair. Then the Ghosts appear throughout Wuthering Heights, as they do in most other works of Gothic fiction, yet Brontà « always presents them in such a way that whether they really exist remains ambiguous. Thus the world of the novel can always be interpreted as a realistic one. Certain ghosts—such as Catherine’s spirit when it appears to Lockwood in Chapter III—may be explained as nightmares. The villagers’ alleged sightings of Heathcliff’s ghost in Chapter XXXIV could be dismissed as unverified superstition. Whether or not the ghosts are â€Å"real,† they symbolize the manifestation of the past within the present, and the way memory stays with people, permeating their day-to-d ay lives. Wuthering Heights is a romance, since the two lovers spend so much time making each other miserable. Still, we know Catherine and Heathcliff experience some sortShow MoreRelated Characters of Catherine and Heathcliff in Emily Brontes Wuthering Heights1610 Words   |  7 PagesThe Characters of Catherine and Heathcliff in Wuthering Heights      Ã‚  Ã‚   Emily Brontes Wuthering Heights can be considered a Gothic romance or an essay on the human relationship. The reader may regard the novel as a serious study of human problems such as love and hate, or revenge and jealousy. One may even consider the novel Brontes personal interpretation of the universe. However, when all is said and done, Heathcliff and Catherine are the story. Their powerful presence permeates throughoutRead MoreWuthering Heights By Emily Bronte1337 Words   |  6 PagesWuthering Heights Essay Edgar Linton is a character in the novel Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontà «. From early life to death, he resides at the cultivated Thrushcross Grange with his family. He becomes entangled with the affairs of the Earnshaws and eventually a target of Heathcliff. His spoiled and comfortable childhood allows his cowardice to continue to adulthood, proving him an ineffective character whose passiveness warrants Heathcliff’s vengeance. As an adolescent, Edgar displays tracesRead MoreVictorian Novel9605 Words   |  39 Pagesliving. Artists of ‘Pre- Raphaelite Brotherhood’ claimed to write only true about nature, concentrate only on the true ideas. These three years saw the rise of such works: of Bronte sisters’ Poems, Charlotte Bronte’s Jane Eyre, Emily Bronte’s Wuthering Heights, William Thackeray’s Vanity Fair. The Following twenty years could be seen as the high period of ‘Victorian novel’. Despite being a mixture of boom and slump, the years of 1850-1870 were recognized by the economic growth. The nation was the richestRead MoreThe Studio System Essay14396 Words   |  58 Pagesindividuals. With this in mind, it is fair to say that the art director has more influence on a given film than nearly anyone else who works on the project. This was especially true in the 1930s when the Hollywood Studio system was at the height of its power. The way that credit was given for art direction makes it difficult to judge the work of the individuals who did the actual set design and visual design of the films of the thirties. In looking at art direction in

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Coping With Bipolar Disorder Through Self-Medicating With

Coping with Bipolar Disorder through self-medicating with Alcohol Brianna Moore East Stroudsburg University A common way to cope with bipolar disorder is through the use of alcohol. While some people with bipolar disorder cope with medication prescribed to them by a doctor, many other patients will depend on self-medication through the use of alcohol. Bipolar Disorder is a disorder when a person who suffers from it can have moments of depressive symptoms but also have episodes of mania. Bipolar disorder is also known as manic depression. Mania in a person can be described as having rapid thoughts, aggression, increased physical activity, and many more symptoms. The depressive symptoms in a person with bipolar can be†¦show more content†¦Serotonin is the reason for the mania in bipolar disorder whereas the other two chemicals is what creates depression and bipolar disorder. There are different ways to cope with bipolar disorder and the feelings that one feels when going through episodes. There are many ways to cope with bipolar disorder, some more effective than others. Ways that people with bipolar disorder cope are through psychotherapy, medications, substance abuse, electric shock therapy and more methods that are not mentioned above. Psychotherapy is a way of coping through talking with a counselor; this is able to hel p because the patient is able to talk about what is bothering them and the way that one is feeling at the time. However, bipolar disorder needs more then psychotherapy since it is a chemical imbalance. Bipolar disorder can be helped with medications that can help fix the imbalance. â€Å"Pharmacotherapy is still the essential treatment for the acute mania in bipolar disorder. The only drugs that were approved by the FDA were lithium and chlorpromazine.† (quote acute mania) As years went by the more new discoveries were made for different mood stabilizers to treat bipolar disorder. When being prescribed to any medication for mental illness, the therapist should make sure that they are giving the correct dosages for the patient and making sure the side effects if any, are not irrational or making the symptoms worse rather than better. One of the typical and most usedShow MoreRelatedSymptoms And Symptoms Of Bipolar Disorder2128 Words   |  9 PagesA dual diagnosis is when a pe rson presents a severe mental illness like bipolar disorder with a substance use disorder (Halter Varcarolis, 2014). Bipolar disorder is a mood disorder that can be characterized by either mania or hypomania and depressive episodes (Varcarolis, E, 2005). A manic episode is an elevated expansive or irritable mood lasting for at least 1 week. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Cultural Change and Shifting Views of America Essay

Cultural Change and Shifting Views of America Tina Hudaifa ARTS/125 – Pop Culture and the Arts Professor: Kevin Ballard April 20, 2015 Cultural Change and Shifting View in America Many consider The 1893 Chicago’s World Fair as a day that paved the way out of traditional life into modernization. It was considered one of the first cases in history where communication technologies, marketing strategies, and urban†¦show more content†¦Henri inspired other painters to seek authenticity, a quality that is combined with the validity of one’s first impression and personal experience, as well as the current emphasis on the truth. Modernization carried an updated visual sense and the artists of Ashcan school and shaped viewers interest in unusual modes of identifying New York City. The Ashcan School rebelled against skillful, finished portraits by having the ability in restoring the outward appearances of individuals and instead celebrating the creative process. One way they were able to achieve through the 1905 Hester Street painting that celebrated the scampering streets of urban life, as it displayed immigrant shoppers, curious onlookers, casual strollers, and pushcart peddlers to represent citizens as of equal importance. The purpose was to overlook the overcrowding, crime, and sheer poverty of the slums by creating a more colorful and lively place that represented hope in the future. â€Å"Yet she is also a type, both easily recognizable and representative to isolate and define the terms of race, ethnicity, and class as he considered the nation’s democratic character and identity† (Doss, 2002, p. 49). Another prime example they were able to depict this was in The 1907 Eva Green painting, which main purpose was to reject the derogatory depictions of American Americans. Robert Henri managed toShow MoreRelatedEssay on Hsu Hua the End of White America1095 Words   |  5 PagesSarah Thompson Dr. Campbell English 101 April 22, 2013 The End of White America Hua Hsu is the author of â€Å"The End of White America’† and also teaches in the English Department at Vassar College. He’s known for writing about music, sports and culture. Many of his articles have appeared in magazines such as The Village Voice, The Boston Globe, The Atlantic and The New York Times. In his article â€Å"The End of White America?† Hua Hsu attempts to convince the reader that demographic shifts, immigrationRead MoreThe Eagle : A Symbol Of American Culture987 Words   |  4 Pagesfathers of the United States of America chose the Bald Eagle to represent the country and all that it stood for. The Eagle’s Cultural significance has changed drastically in the past 20 years alone as people collectively change their thoughts on subjects that are associated with the Eagle. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Personality assessment of Jackie Robinson Essay Example For Students

Personality assessment of Jackie Robinson Essay Personality Assessment: Jackie Robinson Every individual in our society is different; each person is known or described differently from one another. The Big Five Factors: neuroticism, extraversion, openness to experience, agreeableness, and conscientiousness, are thought to describe and outline personality in all cultures and language families. They characterize the differences in humankind and can be used to predict or explain job performance. Jackie Robinson was a man who I would describe as having a strong and persevering personality. He grew up at a time when racial tensions were at their worst, and yet, managed to succeed and follow through with everything he faced. At times he was forced to suck it up, although many times it meant being humiliated in front of thousands of people. However, everyone that Jackie Robinson encountered was impressed by his genuine personality. In most situations, neuroticism is thought to be a negative trait. Jackie Robinson scored very low on this trait (total=23), meaning that he was calm, easy-going, and able to resist temptations. These facets are constantly demonstrated throughout Robinsons autobiography. Robinson was the first African American to play in the Major Leagues for baseball. He was considered the experiment of major league baseball. Although Robinson played for a team in the North, there was much resentment from the players of the Dodgers, many of whom were from the South. When he first started traveling with the team, not only was Robinson and his family separated from the team physically, they also had to face many derogatory comments from Robinsons fellow teammates. However, Robinson kept his composure and sucked it up. As Robinson said, I dont believe there was a man in that game, including me, who though I could take that. I had to force back my anger. with guts enough not to fight back (78). Robinson demonstrated the opposite of impulsiveness in almost all of his actions. Over time, he had learned how to exercise self-control to answer insults, violence, and injustice with silence and had learned how to earn the respect of (his) teammates (81). Jackie Robinsons score for extraversion was a 78, meaning that although he was extraverted, at times he demonstrated some introverted traits. Although he was a friendly individual, Robinson, in many situations, was forced to keep to himself. In addition, he liked to take it easy whenever possible, gearing up for whatever was to come his way. He also, however, had some extraverted traits, including the fact that from the time he started school, he was always active, whether it be in sports, or working with the First African American Bank or the NAACP. He was a true leader with the First African American Bank and the NAACP, speaking in front of many people, and being aggressive enough to accomplish what was needed. Robinson constantly demonstrated attempts to be gregarious and to be recognized by others. Although he remembers standing alone at first base the only black man on the field, he fought hard to become just another guy. Jackie Robinson never quit because things went the wrong way. If anything, hardships forced him to work harder at succeeding. When he went on into the business world, he always strove to learn as much as (he) could so (he) would not be just a figurehead (287). Robinson believed in the utmost integrity, and was a fighter. Jackie Robinson embraced every opportunity with open arms and full dedication. His score of 80 on openness to experience can be explained by his focus on the tasks, to which he was engaged, his acknowledgement of feelings, his willingness to try new and different activities, and his tendency to challenge current traditions. He believed that African Americans could become an important presence in baseball, and he tried his hardest to see it through. In addition, he realized the importance of a bank catered to less fortunate minorities, so he helped to anchor the First African American Bank in Harlem. .u40d652c811809a1a5e238034ff9f8ba2 , .u40d652c811809a1a5e238034ff9f8ba2 .postImageUrl , .u40d652c811809a1a5e238034ff9f8ba2 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u40d652c811809a1a5e238034ff9f8ba2 , .u40d652c811809a1a5e238034ff9f8ba2:hover , .u40d652c811809a1a5e238034ff9f8ba2:visited , .u40d652c811809a1a5e238034ff9f8ba2:active { border:0!important; } .u40d652c811809a1a5e238034ff9f8ba2 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u40d652c811809a1a5e238034ff9f8ba2 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u40d652c811809a1a5e238034ff9f8ba2:active , .u40d652c811809a1a5e238034ff9f8ba2:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u40d652c811809a1a5e238034ff9f8ba2 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u40d652c811809a1a5e238034ff9f8ba2 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u40d652c811809a1a5e238034ff9f8ba2 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u40d652c811809a1a5e238034ff9f8ba2 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u40d652c811809a1a5e238034ff9f8ba2:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u40d652c811809a1a5e238034ff9f8ba2 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u40d652c811809a1a5e238034ff9f8ba2 .u40d652c811809a1a5e238034ff9f8ba2-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u40d652c811809a1a5e238034ff9f8ba2:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Forrest Gump Case Study Essay Robinson was honored to be the token in baseball. He was proud to be in the hurricane eye of a significant breakthrough and to be used to prove that a sport cant be called national if blacks are barred from it (9). .

Monday, April 6, 2020

Mayo Clinic free essay sample

Strategic planning and evaluation is extremely complex for every organization. The Mayo Clinic is a not-for-profit medical organization that services three metropolitan areas: Scottsdale/Phoenix Arizona, Jacksonville Florida and Rochester Minnesota. It’s known for specialization in hard-to-treat diseases, and also known for their innovative and effective treatments for diseases that have gone undiagnosed or under-treated in the same patients with other doctors. Health care is the single most important and essential service that touches the lives of everyone worldwide today. The competition is fierce, and that is why the Mayo Clinic’s founders and co-founders have integrated strategic objectives that will shape and guide the direction of their future as they know this is crucial to the productivity and the longevity of their organization. Dr. William Worrall Mayo (a pioneering physician) established the very first Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota in 1863. Dr. Mayo had a zeal for medicine and considered practicing medicine to fall under the guidelines of what he felt to be a family tradition. We will write a custom essay sample on Mayo Clinic or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page In 1883 is son Doctor William James Mayo joined him and in 1888 is other son Doctor Charles Horace Mayo followed. Through watching their father practice medicine for years, is what too gave them a zeal for medicine and venture out and follow into his footsteps and practice medicine. It was in 1883 that a tornado swept through Rochester leaving in its wake, both fatalities and injuries. This unfortunate experience is what inspired Mother Alfred Moes, a nun, of the â€Å"Sisters of Saint Francis† teaching order, to request Dr. Mayo and sons alongside them, to build the first general hospital in Southeastern Minnesota. This was the world’s first private integrated group practice. â€Å"The 27-bed Saint Mary’s Hospital opened in 1889 as a result of this partnership. (Medical Foundation of Education and Research copyright 2001-2011). http://www. mayoclinic. org/careerawareness/mi-history. html It was in 1919, â€Å"that the Mayo brothers dissolved their partnership and turned the clinics name and assets, including the bulk of their life savings, to a private, not-for-profit, ch aritable organization now known as Mayo Foundation. † (Medical Foundation of Education and Research copyright 2001-2011). Dr. William W. Mayo felt deeply that they should give back to those individuals that gave to them, that started the organization; and that could only be accomplished through medical education. From this point on, the Mayo’s, their associates and all other potential Mayo Clinic physicians; could not receive a salary or profit personally from any proceeds established from the practice. Any income gained beyond this point from operating expenses, must be contributed to education, patient care and/or research. A board of governors and a committee system was established by the brothers to â€Å"present effective oversight of many aspects of Mayo life, thereby reinforcing the cooperative spirit of the founders. (Medical Foundation of Education and Research copyright 2001-2011). http://www. mayoclinic. rg/careerawareness/mi-history. html It was in the late 1980’s that the Mayo Clinic took the initial step to expand the organization beyond the state of Minnesota. In 1986 a clinic was established and launched in Jacksonville, Florida and again in 1987 in Scottsdale, Arizona. It was not until 1998 the Mayo Clinic reached their milestone by opening the Mayo Clinic Hosp ital located in Phoenix, Arizona. This two hundred bed facility was designed to incorporate technology into all aspects of patient care and experiences which required extensive and costly investments of information technology systems. The organization realized that â€Å"Technology was no longer a thing of the past that was once referred to as a â€Å"back of the office support enabler,† (Medical Foundation of Education and Research copyright 2001-2011). and that they had to strategically devise a plan to secure the future of the organization. http://www. mayoclinic. org/careerawareness/mi-history. html As the organization’s strategic appetite broaden for technology, their initiative to broaden their strategic direction did also because their completion deadline in late 2000 was fast approaching. Several Phoenix metropolitan area Mayo clinics were either consolidating or closing their practices. Senior leaders were very disturbed by this because this marked a change of the organizations strategic direction from the first 10 years of operations prior to the opening of the Mayo Clinic Hospital. The Chief Information Officer (CIO) partnered up with the physician chair of the IT oversight committee and conducted a situational analysis of the organizations components and map out a five year diagram of all the related human factors, physical factors, social factors, and economic factors that has come into lay as they attempted to fulfill the organizational goals and strategies; and modify them as they saw fit. The situational analysis consisted of evaluating the organizations management teams existing strategies, guidelines and procedures to ensure authentic comprehension of the organization’s objectives and that they are or were implemented appropriately. This analysis help ed the organization to identify and eliminate weak points within the preceding system. Together the CIO and the physician chair of the IT oversight committee developed a plan parallel to that of the division’s information system. Kranmer, Frey, Kirby, Lenko and Vrabel (2005) state that â€Å"The objectives of this team were to create a similar strategic roadmap that would not only create a technology vision and direction for the Arizona operations; it would clearly illustrate the importance of technology in supporting the broader organizational strategic plan. † Edell, Curtright and Stolp-Smith (2000) stated that â€Å"Managing and measuring performance become exceedingly complex as healthcare institutions evolve into integrated health systems comprised of hospitals, outpatient clinics and surgery centers, nursing homes, and home health services. They further state that, â€Å"Leaders of integrated health systems need to develop a methodology and system that align organizational strategies with performance measurement and management. To meet this end, multiple healthcare organizations embrace the performance-indicators reporting system known as a balanced scorecard or a dashboard report. This discrete set of macro level indicators gives senior management a fast but comprehensive glimpse of the organizations performance in meeting its quality, operational and financial goals. The leadership of outpatient operations for Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, built on this concept by creating a performance management and measurement system that monitors and reports how well the organization achieves its performance goals. † The â€Å"scorecard† concept is how the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota leadership management team monitored and reported how well the organization completed their performance goals. The Mayo Clinic’s vision, primary value, core principles, and day-to-day operations key performance indicators were monitored on a weekly, monthly or quarterly basis. January 2001 the leadership team found themselves in a crisis because the capital investment of the proceeding three years was focused on the hospital opening and the remediation of Y2K concerns. It was determined that many of (IT)’s customers had forgone using their more strategic information system in deference to the technological and organizational imperatives of the time. This caused for a demand for new systems and exceeds the available capital budget by more than 300 percent. Edell, Curtright and Stolp-Smith (2000) state that â€Å"Healthcare systems face strong pressures to improve clinical quality, enhance service, expand access, and reduce costs. Competitive pressures in the marketplace require healthcare systems to measure, monitor, and report system performance to maintain and expand a market base. Thus, those healthcare systems that are capable of dearly articulating and demonstrating the value of services provided enjoy a competitive advantage. They further state â€Å"As healthcare institutions evolve into integrated health systems comprising hospitals, outpatient clinics and surgery centers, nursing homes, and home health services, the task of measuring performance increases in complexity. Leaders of these institutions need to develop a methodology and system that align organizational strategies and core principles with performance measurement and management indicators. † â€Å"In the true business management sense, strategy is distingui shed by several key dimensions. (Moseley III, 2009). According to Moseley III (2009), â€Å"it may be easier to understand the concept of â€Å"strategic† planning by contrasting it with two other forms of planning – â€Å"operational† and† tactical. † As these operations combine, they will â€Å"merge into a seamless continuum of forward-looking activity intended to ensure the survival and growth of the organization (Moseley III, 2009). At this point, the key dimensions of the organizational strategy will become directly linked to the strategic mindset of the organization. It is my belief that key dimensions of the organization are relevant to having a strategic mindset because it is ultimately planned to over exceed the organizational goals which requires engaging and performing activities different of that of the competition. In order for your organization to stand out from the competition, communication must be persuasive and artistic. Organizational goals are set to â€Å"do something that is not being done at that very instance. † (Moseley III, 2009, p. 3). The strategic and planning processes derived by this rganization have transitioned from being irregular reactive exercises to becoming planned, judicious and practical components of the overall IT management plan. A major benefit derived from this process is the ability to demonstrate the strategic alignment of IT initiatives and projections. Plans are ineffectual if they are not carried out accordingly. In conclusion, the Mayo Clinic one of the most accredited quality standard organizat ions known today. They have provided quality health care for more than six million people since it was founded in 1883.

Sunday, March 8, 2020

Chromatography and Solvents Essay Example

Chromatography and Solvents Essay Example Chromatography and Solvents Paper Chromatography and Solvents Paper Chromatography is a method of separating compounds and mixtures so that they can be identified and analyzed. The word chromatography means color writing. There are many kinds of chromatography such as the thin layer chromatography, Partition chromatography, Column chromatography, and Paper chromatography. Chromatography is important in the analysis of processes and materials such as environmental contamination, food, drugs, blood, petroleum products, and radioactive fission products. It has many uses in the rapidly evolving biotechnology industry. The chromatography sorbents help purify problems in the production of drugs. Equipment used for chromatography is essential for chemical laboratories today. With these devices, scientists can identify chemical compounds in complex mixtures such as smog, cigar smoke, and even coffee aroma. Chromatography could be used to show how much of one substance there is in a mixture. Solvents are used to separate mixtures. Some solvents that we see every day are nail polish remover, water, rubbing alcohol, and vinegar. In chromatography, the components go through 2 phases called the mobile phase and stationary phase. The stationary phase may be solid, liquid, liquid supported on a solid, or gel. They may be packed in a column, spread as a layer, or distributed as a film. The mobile phase may be gaseous or liquid. In paper chromatography, the filter paper is the stationary phase and the solvent is the mobile phase. The separation is achieved when the solutes in the mobile phase and stationary phase results in different retention lines for the different chemical compounds. The chromatographic system consists of 3 components which are solvents, soluble, and sorbents. Solvents are used to dissolve solutes to form a solution. Not all solvents have to be liquid and not all solutes have to be solid. Higher temperatures of the solvent usually increase the dissolving of the solute. One exception to this is that the solubility of gas in liquid usually decreases with temperature. If the components of this system react chemically with each other than the inert substance dispersing the reactants is the inert solvent. Chemical reactions will also dissolve more solutes. Water is an excellent solvent for ionic substances. It breaks down the ionic crystals and separates the component ions form each other. The water molecules form shells around the ions and keep them far apart. Covalently bonded molecules like organic compounds don’t dissolve well in water. They dissolve well in organic solvents. Some alcohols have hydrogen bonds so they dissolve in water. Rubbing Alcohol is useful as an antifreeze compound and solvent. It contains methanol which is produced from natural gases. Methanol is made from mixing hydrogen and carbon monoxide at high temperatures and pressure. The boiling point increases due to hydrogen bonding that occurs between hydroxyl groups. Acetone is a colorless, flammable, explosive liquid that contains a characteristic odor that can be detected at very low concentrations. 2008). (Chemical compound: CH3COCH3) Used for making nail polish remover, model airplane, and glue. It belongs to a family known as ketones. Ketones are a compound with carbonyl group (carbon and oxygen bonded together) attached to 2 carbon atoms, made of two propane molecules. Acetone may be present in the human body but only in small concentrations. Diabetic patients may have larger amounts. Exposure to Acetone should be avoided because it causes irritation in the eyes and throat. The vinegar is an organic compound that contains up to 5% Acetic Acid (has chemical compounds CH3COOH) and 95% water. Acetic acid is a clear colorless liquid with a pungent odor. It is soluble in alcohol, acetone, water, and other organic compounds. Vinegar has been used as a cleaning agent, printing of textiles, and as an acidifier to improve the flow of oil from wells. Neil Schlager (2006). Acetic acid is corrosive and prolonged exposure can cause irritation to throat, nose, and eyes. It can also cause headaches, confusion, chest tightness, and coughs. Salt (another name for NaCl sodium chloride) is made from a chemical reaction of an acid and a base. During this reaction, the acid and base are neutralized producing salt, water and heat. Lerner (2008). Table Salt (also NaCl) only has one positive ion. Salt is an important compound for preserving food and making soap. It is also very important in the making of chlorine and sodium. Water (H2O) is a chemical compound of hydrogen and oxygen held together by polar covalent bonds. Its polarity causes it to form hydrogen bonds. Hydrogen bonds are an attraction between slightly positive H atoms in a polar molecule with the slightly negative side of another polar molecule. Water molecules form 5 hydrogen bonds and have a high specific heat. Water has a wicking property called capillary action. Capillary action is the force that draws water out of the roots of plants and into the stems and leaves. Analyzing ink is important questioned documents that might be forged. It could be used to identify inks in forged checks, wills, or altered records. Ink may look the same but they have very different chemical compositions. Ink is made up of a combination of pigments and dyes, oils, and resins. Some inks are even made of soybeans. Inks may be analyzed by a destructive or nondestructive test. The nondestructive is analyzed first and is better because it keeps the paper intact. Micro spectrophotometry is the main method of nondestructive testing. It scans the ink in infrared and ultraviolet light to record its wavelengths of light it absorbs. Thin layer chromatography is used for destructive testing. A tiny sample of ink paper is punched out and placed on a strip of paper with other ink samples. Then the strip is placed into a solvent but it’s placed where the sample ink is dry. The solvent is drawn up through capillary actions and the sample spots move up with it. The end result is a pattern of colored spots where you can compare it with others to make identification.

Friday, February 21, 2020

A report on based on the company Gourmet burger kitchen Essay - 2

A report on based on the company Gourmet burger kitchen - Essay Example Not only the national government or the local government is taking steps in maintaining healthy food regulations but different regulatory bodies and trade unions are also taking steps in promoting and maintaining healthy environment and keeping the track of consumer rights. Switzerland is known to have a unique political system where they practice direct democracy; they have the most decentralized power frequent referendums and encourage participation from the citizens. But one of the most unique aspects in Switzerland government is that they have no political pressure groups leaders (CIA World fact Book, 2009). Due to this GKB and all other companies like to invest in Switzerland because all the companies are given a lot of leverage to operate independently and there is least interference from the national or local government bodies. But keeping in mind the rights of consumers Switzerland government has set proper food safety regulations. Thus it has implemented both GM food safety and labeling legislations. In 1995, Switzerland was the first country who implemented a labeling regime for GM food since then revision has been taken in this (Wugar, 2006, 1). Thus now when a new company has to start its new operation is has to follow a proper procedure, f irst it needs authorization from federal office of Public Health, then it needs to get registered and all the legal requirements need to be fulfilled. The regulations on food and commodities and other pertinent regulations make sure that proper implementation of food laws are enacted and thus the Federation keeps a proper check on food quality and standards (Rentsoh & Partner, 2009, 1). Switzerland is known to have the most stable political system and due to this all companies try to take their business in this country. Switzerland is very competitive in nature in terms of new investment and thus attracts many companies and business men in setting

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Autism in a Child at School Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Autism in a Child at School - Essay Example These children are often wrongly dismissed by many teachers in ordinary schools as having normal behavioural problems and are not given the special kind of treatment and education that they need. Instead, they are treated just like other kids in most schools leading to poor performance on their part. Many a times, private schools refuse to admit children with autism giving reason that they are ill equipped to deal with autism in the classroom. The handful of schools that admit these special needs children are very expensive and have a limited capacity, meaning they can only accept a limited number of children (Cowly, 2010). It is therefore the mandate of teachers in special needs education and parents with an autistic child to ensure that they acquire quality education and stand a fair chance at life after school, and this is the subject of this research paper. The research discusses in depth different aspects of autism in children in school and is divided into different sections for comprehensiveness. First, it discusses the legal definition of special education needs. The second section talks about the role of the learning support worker/ teaching assistant regarding supporting an autistic child in school. Third, Workplace behaviour policy and procedure in schools that will ensure creation of quality environment for supporting children with autism in schools is discussed. ... Special Education Needs Special Needs Education refers to the process of providing education to students with special needs in the best possible way that recognizes and addresses the individual needs and differences of the students. The achievement of the objectives of this delicate task requires planning of individual and carefully monitored teaching procedures, carefully designed teaching materials and equipment, well thought out settings and any other measures that will help children with special needs to achieve the required level of confidence and self esteem to succeed in school work (Haddon, 2004). There is general agreement between professionals and parents that it takes a lot of hard work to help children with autism get the best out of the classroom. This is because every child with an autism spectrum disorder is unique, with various characteristics and styles of learning. This therefore requires an education curriculum that is wide enough to accommodate the whole spectrum. Effort must therefore be made to create these conditions that are not available in ordinary classrooms. Students with ASD will benefit more in an environment with additional educational services like use of unconventional teaching methodologies; use of technology developed for their aid and auxiliary facilities such resource centers. These measures are what set special education apart from general education, which is the type of learning in education centers for normal children. Special education has in the past been used to refer to a special instruction set or approach meant to enhance the learning process of special need children who are slow learners. Children with autism have however shown a high level of intellectual giftedness that usually surpasses that of ordinary

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

The Irrationality Of The Mathematical Constant E Mathematics Essay

The Irrationality Of The Mathematical Constant E Mathematics Essay This dissertation gives an account of the irrationality of the mathematical constant. Starting with a look into the history of irrational numbers of which is a part of, dating back to the Ancient Greeks and through to the theory behind exactly why is irrational. 1. Introduction: In this paper, I aim to look at some of the history and theory behind irrational numbers ( in particular). It will take you through from learning the origins of irrational numbers, to proving the irrationality of itself. The mathematical constant is a very important and remarkable number; it is sometimes referred to as Eulers number. It has many vital applications in calculus, exponential growth/decay and also compound interest. One of the most fascinating things however is taking the derivative of the exponential function; defined. The derivative of is simply, i.e. it is its own rate of change. An irrational number can be defined as any number that cannot be written as a fraction; that means to say any number that cannot be written in the form. 1.1 History of Irrational Numbers: The first proof of the existence of irrational numbers came a few centuries BC, during the time when a prevalent group of mathematicians/philosophers/cultists called Pythagoreans (after their leader and teacher Pythagoras) believed in the purity of expressions granted by numbers. They believed that anything geometric in the Universe could be expressed as whole numbers and their ratios. It is believed a Pythagorean by the name Hippasus of Metapontum discovered irrational numbers while investigating square roots of prime numbers; he found that he could not represent the square root of 2 as a fraction. Bringing his findings to his mentors (Pythagoras) attention brought the death sentence upon himself. As story has it, Pythagoras (who believed in the absoluteness of numbers) had him drowned to death. According to Plato (a prominent Greek philosopher and mathematician; 428/427 BC 348/347 BC), the irrationality of the surds of whole numbers up to 17 was proved by Theodorus of Cyrene. It is understood that Theodorus stopped at the square root of 17 due to the algebra being used failing. It wasnt until Eudoxus (a student of Plato) that a strong mathematical foundation of irrational numbers was produced. His theory on proportion, taking into account irrational and rational ratio featured in Euclids Elements Book V. The sixteenth to nineteenth century saw negative, integral and decimal fractions with the modern notation being used by most mathematicians. The nineteenth century was particularly important in the history of irrational numbers as they had largely been ignored since the time of Euclid. The resurgence in the scientific study of irrationals was brought upon by the need to complete the theory of complex numbers. An important advancement in the logical foundation of calculus was the construction of the real numbers using set theory. The construction of the real numbers represented the joint efforts of many mathematicians; amongst them were Dedekind, Cantor and Weierstrass. Irrational numbers were finally defined in 1872 by H.C.R. Mà ©ray, his definition being basically the same as Cantor suggested in the same year (which made use of convergent sequences of real numbers). Leonhard Euler paid particular attention to continued fractions and in 1737 was able to use them to be the first to prove the irrationality of and. It took another 23 years for the irrationality of to be proved, of which was accredited to Eulers colleague Lambert. The nineteenth century brought about a change in the way mathematicians viewed irrational numbers. In 1844 Joseph Liouville established the existence of transcendental numbers, though it was 7 years later when he gave the first decimal example such as his Liouville constant.Charles Hermite in 1973 was the first person to prove that was a transcendental number. Using Hemites conclusions Ferdinand von Lindemann was able to show the same for in 1882. 1.2 History of the Mathematical Constant: The number first arrived into mathematics in 1618, where a table in an appendix to work published by John Napier and his work on logarithms were found to contain natural logarithms of various numbers. The table did not contain the constant itself only a list of natural logarithms calculated from the constant. Though the table had no name of an author, it is highly assumed to have been the work of an English mathematician, William Oughtred. Surprisingly the discovery of the constant itself came not from studying logarithms but from the study of compound interest. In 1683 Jacob Bernoulli examined continuous compound interest by trying to find the limit of as tends to infinity. Bernoulli managed to show that the limit of the equation had to lie between 2 and 3, and hence could be considered to be the first approximation of. 1690 saw the constant first being used in a correspondence from Gottfried Leibniz to Christiaan Huygens; it was represented at the time by the letter. The notation of using the letter however came about due to Euler and made its first appearance in a letter he wrote to Goldbach in 17318. Euler published all the ideas surrounding in his work Introductio in Analysin infinitorum (1748). Within this work he approximated the value of to 18 decimal places; The latest accurate account of is to 1,000,000,000,000 decimal places and was calculated by Shigeru Kondo Alexander J. Yee in July 2010. 1.3 A few representations of e: can be defined by the limit: (1) By the infinite series: (2) Special case of the Euler formula: (3) Where when, (4) 2. The Proofs: 2.1 Proving the infinite series of e: In proof 2.2.2 we will use the fact that: (5) As this paper dedicated to, it would be useful to know where this equation comes from. The answer lies in the Maclaurin series (Taylor series expansion of a function centred at 0). (6) Let our, and we have that all derivatives of is equal to We now have that. (7) We now let and we have equation (5). 2.2 The irrationality of e and its powers. Continued fractions are closely related to irrational numbers and in 1937 Leonhard Euler used this link and was able to prove the irrationality of and. The most general form of a continued fraction takes the form: (6) Due to the complexity that can arise in using the format in equation (6), mathematicians have adopted a more convenient notation of writing simple continued fractions. We have that can be expressed in the following manner: (7) With the use of continued fractions it is relatively easy to show that the expansion of any rational number is finite. So it is obvious to note that all you would have to do to prove that a given number is irrational, would be to show its regular expansion not be finite. Using this tool we will now show the Eulers expansion for: We have: (8) Equation (8) shows, we now invert the fractional part: (9) Here we have, once again we invert the fractional part: (10) Hence, we continue in the same way to produce: (11) So. (12) So. (13) So. (14) So. (15) So. (16) So. Using the figures above provides the following result: (17) Observing equation (17) allows us to notice pattern and we can show this by re-writing in the following way: (18) Clearly it seems that the sequence will clearly increase and never terminate. Similarly Euler shows this in other examples using. (19) Equation (19) shows an arithmetic increase by 4 each time from the number 6 and onwards. Noticeably equation (18) and (19) do not provide proof that is irrational and are merely just observations. However Euler uses his previous work on infinitesimal calculus, which then proves this sequence is infinite. The proof that Euler uses is very long and complicated as it involves transforming continued fractions into a ratio of power series, which in turns becomes a differential equation of that he can transform into the Ricatti equation he needs. Since Eulers time mathematicians have found far more manageable and direct ways in proving the irrationality of. 2.2.1 Proving the irrationality of e: While Euler was the first to establish a proof of the irrationality of using infinite continued fractions, we will use Fouriers (1815) idea of using infinite series to prove more directly. Proof: Defining the terms: Using the Maclaurin series expansion we have: (20) Now lets define to be a partial sum of: (21) For we first write the inequality: (22) Equation (22) has to be positive as we stated to be the partial sum of, which is the infinite sum. Now well find the upper limit of equation (22): (23) Taking out a factor of: (24) Now as we are looking for an upper limit, we need an equation greater than equation (24): (25) We take note that the terms in the square bracket in equation (25) for the upper limit is a geometric series with. Right hand Side (RHS) of equation (25): (26) (27) (28) (29) We have: (30) Multiply through by: (31) Now lets assume i.e. is rational. Using the substitution implies: (32) Now by expanding the RHS gives us the following result: (33) (34) We note the following: is an integer. , this implies that divides into and hence is an integer. Each term within the square bracket is an integer; we know that can be divided by and upwards to and produce integer values. Therefore as all terms are integers, we have: (35) where is an integer value. Observe that by choosing any we have and furthermore. Using equation (31) we now obtain the following result: (36) (37) Equation (37) implies is not an integer. This is a contradiction to the result obtained in 1) and so therefore is proven to be irrational. 2.2.2 Proving the irrationality of ea: Proof 2.1 successfully shows how is irrational however, the proof is not strong enough to show the irrationality of. Using an example, we have the as a known irrational number, whose square is not. In order to show all integer powers (except zero) of are irrationals, we need a bit more calculus and an idea tracking back to Charles Hermite; where the key is located in the following lemma. Proof: Lemma: For some fixed, let: (38) The function is a polynomial of the form, where the coefficientsare integers. For we have The derivatives and are integers for all Proof: (see appendix) Theorem 2: is irrational for any integer. Proof: Take to be rational, where is a non-zero rational number. Let with non-zero integers and. being rational implies that is rational. This is a contradiction to theorem 2 and hence is irrational. Assume where are integers, and let be large enough that. State , (39) where is the function of the lemma. Note that can also be written in the form of an infinite sum as we see that any higher derivatives where for vanishes. We now want to obtain a first order linear equation using equation (39). We start by differentiating: (40) Now from observation we see that by multiplying equation (39) by and then eliminating the first term we end up with equation (40). (41) Equation (41) takes the form our required first order linear equation, which is solved in the following manner: First re-write in the standard form: (42) Next we find the integrating factor  µ to multiply to both sides of the equation: (43) From equation (43) we now have the following equation: (44) (45) Note the limit runs as stated in of the lemma. We now manipulate equation (45) by multiplying by so that we can apply of the lemma. (46) (47) We have that , so thereforeand hence: (48) As is just a polynomial containing integer values multiplying derivatives of, we can state using of the lemma that is an integer. Part of the lemma states . With this we can now estimate the range that lies within. Firstly we know that is a positive value and hence. For the upper limit we have: (49) Note that to find the upper limit we eliminate the integral and substitute the upper bounds for and. From before we have and also that we took n large enough so that, which can be re-written , which implies the following: (50) (51) Equation (51) states that cannot be an integer and hence contradicts Equation (48). Therefore we have that is proven to be irrational. 3. Further Work: Following on and further proving the irrationality of, would be to prove that is a transcendental number. Irrational numbers can be split into two categories algebraic and transcendental; hence transcendental numbers are numbers that are not algebraic. Algebraic numbers are defined as any number that can be written as the root of an equation of the form. A minimal polynomial is achieved when is the smallest degree possible for a given. The square root of 2 is an example of an irrational number, but also it is an algebraic number of degree 2, of which the minimal polynomial is simply. Euler in the late 18th century was the first person to define transcendental numbers, but the proof of their existence only came around in the papers of Liouvilles in 1844 and 1851. The number was the first important mathematical constant to be proven transcendental and was done so by Charles Hermite in 1873. The techniques Hermite used influenced many future mathematical works including the first proof of being transcendental by Ferdinand von Lindemann; also used in the creation of the Lindemann-Weierstrass theorem. Further work on transcendental numbers involving can be still seen today. Mathematicians knowis a transcendental number, but as of yet have not been able to prove this. 4. Conclusion: Overall, the main objective of this paper was to give an account of the irrationality of. This has been achieved and with it we have been able to see the progress from the first discovery of irrational numbers by the Pythagoreans of Ancient Greek, through to the work covered on Eulers number. References: Webpage Resources: Cook, Z. (2000), Irrational Numbers, The Guide to Life, The Universe and Everything, BBC [Online]. Available:, [Accessed: 6th January 2011]. OConnor, J.J and Robertson, E.F. (1999), Theodorus of Cyrene [Online]. Available:, [Accessed: 6th January 2011]. OConnor, J.J and Robertson, E.F. (1999), Eudoxus of Cnidus [Online]. Available:, [Accessed: 6th January 2011]. OConnor, J.J and Robertson, E.F. (2001), The number e, Number Theory [Online]. Available:, [Accessed: 6th January 2011]. Russel, D. (2002), Hippasus Expelled!, Irrational Pythagoreans [Online]. Available:, [Accessed: 6th January 2011]. Sondow, J and Weisstein, E.W. e. MathWorldA Wolfram Web Resource [Online]. Available:, [Accessed: 6th January 2011]. Weisstein, E.W. Irrational Number, MathWorldA Wolfram Web Resource [Online]. Available:, [Accessed: 6th January]. Yee, A.J. (2010), e, Mathematical Constants Billions of Digits [Online]. Available:, [Accessed 6th January 2011]. Zongju, L. Shuxue Lishi Diangu (Historical Stories in Mathematics), Chiu Chang Publishing Company [Online]. Available:, [Accessed 6th January 2011]. Arithmetic Sequences and Series, Arizona State University [Online]. Available:, [Accessed: 6th January 2011]. Online PDF Resources: Collins, DC. Continued Fractions, [Online]. Available:, [Accessed 6th January 2011]. Conrad, K. (2005), Irrationality of, [Online]. Available:, [Accessed: 6th January 2011]. Field, B. (2010), Irrational and Transcendental Numbers, page 23 [Online]. Available:, [Accessed: 6th January 2011]. Sandifer, E. (2006), Who proved e is irrational?, How Euler Did it [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 6th January 2011]. Online Video Resources: Adams, C, Garrity, T and Burger, E. (2006), Pi verses e, The Mathematical Association of America [Online]. Available:, [Accessed: 6th January 2011] Delaware, R. A Proof e is irrational, Proof, University of Missouri [Online]. Available:, [Accessed: 6th January 2011]. Book Resources: Aigner, M and Ziegler, G.M. Proofs from THE BOOK, Third Edition, [Berlin: Springer, 2004]. Dorrie, H and Translated by Antin, D. 100 Great Problems of Elementary Mathematics, THERE HISTORY AND SOLUTION, [New York: Dover Publications, Inc., 1965]. Sandifer, C.E. The early mathematics of Leonhard Euler, [USA: The Mathematical Association of America (Incorporated), 2007].

Monday, January 20, 2020

Kindergarten in Turkey :: Education

Living conditions, which are very poor in Turkey, affect the contentment of the people significantly. Hence, many women who have any children have to work to help family budget and for live in more comfort. Today, working outside is a fashion for women it gives women an economic liberty and respect. That is good for them however, from the side of many young children that is bad because they have to go kindergartens when their mothers go to work. Nowadays, the number of children who go to kindergartens is increasing rapidly. Unfortunately, many of them are growing up without their mother’s love. So sending children to kindergartens causes some problems which are so important like missing or hating mother and home, being a stressful person in early ages and so on. The major cause of hating mother is spending all childhood in nurseries. Today, we can see in news many teenagers are killing their mothers due to lack of mothers’ love. Their mothers are a normal person for them however we cannot deny that mothers are holly existences for us. So if there is not a necessity, women should not work outside or else, they should look after their children after the work. The other equally significant point is being a stressful person in the future life. Many scientists believe that living in a routine reason for stress. Moreover, in kindergarten children are getting used to a routine life. Therefore these young children meet stress in their early ages and they will more stressful people in their future lives because in nursery there is a hard and well disciplined education. In contrast to these many people claim that kindergartens make children more social in the society. However these claimants do not know that kindergartens cannot give a real parent’s love so if children do not have real love, they will not love their children so this will continue and love between children and parents will be end.

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Cdr Professional Engineer

PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER Summary Statement These are the competency Units and Elements. These elements must be addressed in the Summary Statement (see Section C). If you are applying for assessment as a Professional Engineer, you will need to download this page, complete it and lodge it with your application. Competency Element |A brief summary of how you have applied the element |Paragraph in the career episode(s) | | | |where the element is addressed | |PE1 KNOWLEDGE BASE | | | |PE1. Knowledge of science and engineering | | | |fundamentals | | | |PE1. 2 In-depth technical competence in at least | | | |one engineering discipline | | | |PE1. Techniques and resources | | | |PE1. 4 General Knowledge | | | |PE2 ENGINEERING ABILITY | | | |PE2. Ability to undertake problem identification,| | | |formulation, and solution | | | |PE2. 2 Understanding of social, cultural, global, | | | |and environmental responsibilities and the need to| | | |employ principles of sustainable development | | |PE2 . 3 Ability to utilise a systems approach to | | | |complex problems and to design and operational | | | |performance | | | |PE2. Proficiency in engineering design | | | |PE2. 5 Ability to conduct an engineering project | | | |PE2. 6 Understanding of the business environment | | | |PE3 PROFESSIONAL ATTRIBUTES | | | |PE3. Ability to communicate effectively, with the| | | |engineering team and with the community at large | | | |PE3. 2 Ability to manage information and | | | |documentation | | | |PE3. Capacity for creativity and innovation | | | |PE3. 4 Understanding of professional and ethical | | | |responsibilities, and commitment to them | | | |PE3. Ability to function effectively as an | | | |individual and in multidisciplinary and | | | |multicultural teams, as a team leader or manager | | | |as well as an effective team member | | | |PE3. Capacity for lifelong learning and | | | |professional development | | | |PE3. 7 Professional Attitudes | | |

Friday, January 3, 2020

Slaves During The Civil Revolution - 995 Words

Slaves in Saint Domingue Haitian Revolution is one of the most successful slave revolts in the History of African Slavery. The slaves in this territory didn t just free their lives from slavery but they also had taken away control of French colony which was known at time as Saint Dominigue. Saint Domingue was the top sugar producing island at this time thanks to slave labor. Slaves were the reason why the French Colony was so prosperous in the first place. At this time Saint Domingue soon to be Haiti was the top producer in creating sugar. Slave life was very harsh for the blacks living in this colony they had to face the possibly of dying or being killed every day. With Saint Domingue being the largest sugar producing island. One can expect for the slaves work conditions had to be harsh. Slaves were sometimes caught up in mill feeders where sometimes their whole body were sucked in. The sugar field is where a lot of accidents happened. The Slaves life expectancy was extremely short lasting from 6-9 years. This leads to reason why slaves were taken to Saint Domingue in large numbers. Slaves that worked on the sugar plantation had worked up to 18 hours a day with no breaks at all. Slaves have worn tin mask so they wouldn t have been able to consume sugar. Slaves where whipped and lashed a lot of times for no reason. The slaves had salt thrown in their wounds, runaway slaves would have their legs cut off and sometimes slaves were able to earn their freedom by either theirShow MoreRelatedThe American Revolution1190 Words   |  5 PagesAmerican Revolution was founded with the intent to preserve American history. However what was the rationale behind the need for an organization of this kind? 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